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Layer: WSA Titled Land (ID: 0)

Default Visibility:   True

Configured Visibility:   False

Minimum Scale:   0

Maximum Scale:   0

Extent:   -12296881.5585781, 6279060.85982711, -11290457.9635779, 7071158.9599418

Display Name:   WSA Titled Land

Description:   <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>The WSA Titled Lands GIS layer provides a representation of the parcels of land currently owned by the Water Security Agency as per the Information Services Corporation (ISC) Land System database. The polygons are a subset of ISC's Cadastral dataset; specifically, the "Surface" feature dataset. Additional attributes have been added by WSA that are not present is ISC's Surface layer.</SPAN></P></DIV></DIV></DIV>

Feature Type:   Polygon

Type:   FeatureLayer

Display Field:   PPID

Primary Key Field:   OBJECTID

Show Map Tips:   False

Searchable:   False

Identifiable:   True

Queryable:   True

Can Copy Feature:   True

Snappable:   True

Snapping Enabled:   False

Has Attachments:   False

Feature Label:   {PPID}

Feature Description:   N/A

Feature Long Description:   N/A

Feature Zoom Factor:   N/A

Feature Zoom Scale:   N/A

Feature Border Color:   N/A

Feature Border Width:   N/A

Feature Fill Color:   N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:   True

Include in Legend:   True

Can Toggle Labels:   False

Allow Symbolization:   True

Draw Index:   N/A

Legend URL:   N/A

Style Name:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default

Time Zone ID:   N/A

  • OBJECTID (Type: Int32, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PPID (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • EFFDT (Type: DateTime, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • OWNPRCLNO (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PLAN_ (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SURVPRCL (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SURVPRCLNM (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • LLD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE [Shape] (Type: Object, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE.STArea() (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE.STLength() (Type: Double, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • FEATURECD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PRCLCLSSCD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • TWP (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RGE (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • MER (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PORTIONCD (Type: Int16, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • SECT (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • QSECT (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • LSD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • QLSD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • LOT (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • BLOCK (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • ROADALLOW (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • RIVERLOT (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • STLANE (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • EXTENSION (Type: Int16, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PRCLSTACD (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • PROJECTNAME (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)
  • MITIGATIONLANDS (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: True, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: True, Addressable: True)

Layer Hyperlinks:

Show Feature Hyperlinks:   Show

Feature Hyperlinks:

Is Dynamic:   False

Dynamic Definition:



    Theme Settings:
    • Designated Areas (2, visibility: True)
    • Sask Interactive Mapping (0, visibility: False)
    • Environmental Assessment (1, visibility: False)
    • Solid Waste Management (4, visibility: False)
    • Forest Service (5, visibility: False)
    • Mining and Industrial Facilities (3, visibility: False)


    Supported Interfaces:  REST