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Layer: Compliance & Field Services Field Areas (ID: 1)

Default Visibility:   True

Configured Visibility:   False

Minimum Scale:   20000000

Maximum Scale:   0

Extent:   -12418332.6402126, 6256374.30641467, -11157091.241686, 8401570.70880845

Display Name:   Compliance & Field Services Field Areas

Description:   Saskatchewan Environment Compliance and Field Services (CFS) Areas are administrative field office areas for managing and protecting our environment and making sure natural resources (i.e. fish and wildlife) are used wisely. The compliance areas are an aggregation of the compliance field areas. The compliance field area boundaries are intended to topologically match the linework of the enforcement grid (not published). This grid is based on SG township boundaries in the south and national topographic system (NTS) 1:50,000 mapsheet extents in the north. It is important to note that although the term "Region" is used in this dataset, it is an older term that Compliance and Field Services Branch no longer uses. The Ministry of Environment no longer divides the province into regions. Use the terms "Compliance Areas" and "Compliance Field Areas" instead.

Feature Type:   Polygon

Type:   FeatureLayer

Display Field:   FIELDNAME

Primary Key Field:   OBJECTID

Show Map Tips:   True

Searchable:   False

Identifiable:   True

Queryable:   True

Can Copy Feature:   True

Snappable:   True

Snapping Enabled:   False

Has Attachments:   False

Feature Label:   Compliance and Field Services Field Areas

Feature Description:   <span style="font-weight: bold;">Field Area Name:</span>&nbsp;{FIELDNAME}<div style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Office Name:</span>&nbsp;{NAME}</div><div style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Office Type:</span><span style="font-weight: normal;">&nbsp;{NAME2}</span></div><div><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"><a href="{HOTLINK}">Contact - Government Directory</a></span><br></div>

Feature Long Description:   <span style="font-weight: bold;">Field Area Name:</span>&nbsp;{FIELDNAME}<div style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Office Name:</span>&nbsp;{NAME}</div><div style="font-weight: normal;"><span style="font-weight: bold;">Office Type:</span><span style="font-weight: normal;">&nbsp;{NAME2}<br></span></div><span style="font-style: italic; font-weight: bold;"><a href="{HOTLINK}">Contact - Government Directory</a></span><br>

Feature Zoom Factor:   N/A

Feature Zoom Scale:   N/A

Feature Border Color:   N/A

Feature Border Width:   N/A

Feature Fill Color:   N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:   False

Include in Legend:   True

Can Toggle Labels:   True

Show Labels:   True

Allow Symbolization:   True

Draw Index:   N/A

Legend URL:   N/A

Style Name:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default

Time Zone ID:   N/A

  • OBJECTID (Type: Int32, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • FIELDNAME [Field Area Name] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: True, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE [Shape] (Type: Object, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE.AREA (Type: Double, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • SHAPE.LEN (Type: Double, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • NAME [Office Name] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • NAME2 [Office Type] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • HOTLINK [Contact] (Type: String, Visible: True, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True, Hyperlink Label: Contacts - Government Directory)
  • REGIONNAME (Type: String, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • CRM_TEAM_ID (Type: String, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)
  • CONTACT (Type: String, Visible: False, Searchable: False, Can Symbolize Unique Value: False, Can Symbolize Class Breaks: False, Addressable: True)

Layer Hyperlinks:

Show Feature Hyperlinks:   Show

Feature Hyperlinks:

Is Dynamic:   False

Dynamic Definition:



    Theme Settings:


      Supported Interfaces:  REST