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Map Service: Aboriginal Lands (ID: 13)

Service Loaded:  Jul, 8 2024 12:48:16 PM CCST (UTC--06:00)

Connection String:  url=

Short Display Name:  N/A

Description:  Consists of polygon entities that depict the administrative boundaries (extent) of lands where the title has been vested in specific Aboriginal Groups of Canada or lands which were set aside for their exclusive benefit.

Copyright:  Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, Surveyor General Branch

Visible:  True

Opacity:  1

Minimum Scale:  N/A

Maximum Scale:  N/A

Image Format:  Png32

Service Type:  Dynamic

Service Function:  Operational

Server Version:  11.1

Failure Action:  Warn

Failure Timeout (seconds):  N/A

Drawing Behavior:  MapService

Request Encoding:  N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:  True

Is Expanded:  False

Supports Dynamic Layers:  True

Default Allow Symbolization:  True

Supports Layer Catalog:  False

Update Interval (seconds):  N/A

Disable Client Caching:  N/A

Identifiable:   N/A

Time Zone ID:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default



Theme Settings:

    Coordinate System:  NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_13N (WKID: 2151)

    Operational Coordinate System:  N/A

    Layer Hyperlinks:

    Instant Search: False

    Supported Interfaces:  REST