{ "id": "13", "displayName": "Aboriginal Lands", "shortDisplayName": null, "description": "Consists of polygon entities that depict the administrative boundaries (extent) of lands where the title has been vested in specific Aboriginal Groups of Canada or lands which were set aside for their exclusive benefit.", "connectionString": "url=https://gis.saskatchewan.ca/arcgis/rest/services/AboriginalLands/MapServer", "copyright": "Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Earth Sciences Sector, Surveyor General Branch", "hasAttributionData": false, "serviceType": "Dynamic", "serviceFunction": "Operational", "baseMapGroup": null, "baseMapGroupIndex": "", "baseMapGroupIsMutuallyExclusive": false, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "initiallyVisible": true, "drawingBehavior": "MapService", "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": true, "defaultAllowSymbolization": true, "isExpanded": false, "updateInterval": null, "dataProvider": null, "disableClientCaching": null, "serviceTag": "N/t/tiEnwPEmV0xeE/TnwAxMZtMv9z+tX2UQBlbRz04=", "identifiable": null, "includeMosaicDatasetValues": null, "includeCatalogItems": null, "includeInLegend": null, "startTime": null, "endTime": null, "serverVersion": "11.3", "failureAction": "Warn", "failureTimeout": null, "requestEncoding": null, "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "hasLayerCatalog": false, "format": "Png32", "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "0" }, { "themeID": "1" }, { "themeID": "2" }, { "themeID": "3" }, { "themeID": "0" }, { "themeID": "1" }, { "themeID": "2" }, { "themeID": "3" }, { "themeID": "4" } ], "layerHyperlinks": [], "tileInfo": {}, "instantSearch": false, "layers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Indian Reserve (NRCan)", "nativeID": "0", "displayName": "Indian Reserve (NRCan)", "description": "The Aboriginal Lands product consists of polygon entities that depict the administrative boundaries (extent) of lands where the title has been vested in specific Aboriginal Groups of Canada or lands which were set aside for their exclusive benefit. The dataset represents those lands recognized as First Nations reserves by the Government of Canada.( data is updated monthly)", "defaultVisibility": true, "featureType": "Polygon", "type": "FeatureLayer", "maxScale": 0, "minScale": 20000000, "visible": false, "initiallyVisible": false, "showMapTips": true, "identifiable": true, "queryable": true, "searchable": true, "supportsIdentify": true, "supportsQuery": true, "canCopyFeature": true, "snappable": true, "snappingEnabled": false, "hasAttachments": false, "featureZoomFactor": null, "featureZoomScale": null, "featureBorderColor": null, "featureBorderWidth": null, "featureFillColor": null, "showFeatureHyperlinks": "ShowAll", "iconUri": "{RestVirtualDirectoryUrl}/feather.JPG", "includeInLayerList": true, "includeInLegend": true, "allowSymbolization": true, "legendUrl": null, "styleName": null, "drawIndex": null, "canToggleLabels": true, "showLabels": true, "dataProvider": null, "featureLabel": "Indian Reserve (NRCan)", "featureDescription": "Name: {NAME1}
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Creation Date: {CREDATE}
Web Reference

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Web Reference

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", "featureLongDescription": "Reserve Name: {IRNM}
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