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In the table, the EFAG field has a name of D_P_L_S_ for the cencatonation of the four attribute codes. One of the fields also combines the ecoregion code as well. 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Extensive assistance in developing the map was provided by Alvin Anderson of the Land Resource Unit, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. In a second phase of the project, with major funding support from Saskatchewan Ministry of the Environment, the ecosite map was slightly revised. The overall project, including the classification of range ecosites, is documented in the following publication:Thorpe, J. 2014. Saskatchewan Rangeland Ecosystems, Publication 1: Ecoregions and Ecosites, Version 2. Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan. Saskatchewan Research Council Pub. No. 11881-1E14.The map is based on a seamless digital soil coverage of southern Saskatchewan, provided by the Land Resource Unit of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. The map projection is UTM Zone 13, and the datum has been converted to NAD83. The soil map shows polygons which are linked to a database showing soil map unit, slope class, surface texture, and other properties. The original soil map extended into the forest fringe of central Saskatchewan. Because the focus of the ecosite classification was on native grassland, the range ecosite map was trimmed to the area of the Prairie Ecozone.To develop the range ecosite map, a database of soil series provided by the Land Resource Unit was used to determine the closest equivalent range ecosite, by interpretation of properties such as mode of deposition, parent material texture, gleying, salinity, and erosion. The resulting translation of soil series to ecosites is given in the following publication:Thorpe, J. 2014. Saskatchewan Rangeland Ecosystems, Publication 2: Soil Series Table, Version 2. Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan. Saskatchewan Research Council Pub. No. 11881-2E14.Each soil map unit has a dominant soil series, and the range ecosite corresponding to that series was assigned to the map unit. Ecosite assignments were then modified using other attributes of the mapped areas, including surface texture and slope class. The resulting translation of soil map units to range ecosites is given in the following publication:Thorpe, J. 2014. Saskatchewan Rangeland Ecosystems, Publication 3: Map Unit Table, Version 2. Saskatchewan Prairie Conservation Action Plan. Saskatchewan Research Council Pub. 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