{ "mapServices": [ { "id": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-42", "displayName": "Cadastre", "shortDisplayName": null, "description": "The ISC Sask Grid TFM dataset is distributed as the annual release of the township, section, quarter-section, legal subdivision and monument layers, which approximate the Dominion Land Survey System grid for the Province of Saskatchewan. The grid is derived from a combination of original township surveys and mathematically interpolated (theoretic) projections, covering the entirety of the province. The data has been designed to serve as the reference grid for a range of applications including oil and gas, land use, planning, emergency response, demographic analysis, land management, and facility management.", "connectionString": "url=https://gis.saskatchewan.ca/arcgis/rest/services/Cadastre_Secured/MapServer;tokenUrl=https://gis.saskatchewan.ca/arcgis/tokens/;token=yegqazt0eXtmGVEuM8SQDAjVE7zhF8-WsJxZXTc3nsLvDLIhUbNe8jpi_-yvx4jF", "copyright": "Information Services Corp.", "hasAttributionData": false, "serviceType": "Dynamic", "serviceFunction": "Operational", "baseMapGroup": null, "baseMapGroupIndex": "", "baseMapGroupIsMutuallyExclusive": false, "opacity": 1, "visible": true, "initiallyVisible": true, "drawingBehavior": "MapService", "iconUri": null, "includeInLayerList": true, "defaultAllowSymbolization": true, "isExpanded": true, "updateInterval": null, "dataProvider": null, "disableClientCaching": null, "serviceTag": "WgkYAXI9urKq+nZMq4m8AVrA0yIid1NuKbJqCNX1HrE=", "identifiable": null, "includeMosaicDatasetValues": null, "includeCatalogItems": null, "includeInLegend": null, "startTime": null, "endTime": null, "serverVersion": "11.1", "failureAction": "Warn", "failureTimeout": null, "requestEncoding": null, "supportsDynamicLayers": true, "hasLayerCatalog": false, "format": null, "themeSettings": [ { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-0" }, { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-1" }, { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-3" }, { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-5" }, { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-2" }, { "themeID": "GeoPlanner_LayersCatalog-6" } ], "layerHyperlinks": [], "tileInfo": {}, "instantSearch": false, "layers": [ { "id": "0", "name": "Township", "nativeID": "0", "displayName": "Township", "description": "The SaskGrid_TOWNSHIP feature layer, as part of the ISC Sask Grid TFM data set, contains the annual copy of the GIS layer taken from Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewans live geospatial database at the end of each calendar year. 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This dataset contains the boundaries of the four field office regions: Lloydminster (Area 1), Kindersley (Area 2), Swift Current (Area 3), and Estevan (Area 4), that deliver programs to support and regulate Saskatchewan's upstream oil and gas activities. The boundaries follow the Cadastre township grid for all field office areas except between the north portion of the Kindersley- Swift Current field office boundary where the South Saskatchewan River delineates the two areas. Field office programs uphold and enforce requirements specified under The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations at the field level. Boundaries were chosen to manage field activities via the shortest travel distance to each field office. Activities include, a) enforcement of environmental and safety requirements, b) administration of spill, waste, and products storage management requirements, and c) inspection and enforcement of upstream oil and gas wells, facilities, and drilling rigs. The dataset was created as a file geodatabase feature class and output for public distribution.
This dataset contains the boundaries of the four production reporting areas: Lloydminster (Area 1), Kindersley (Area 2), Swift Current (Area 3), and Estevan (Area 4), whose boundaries follow the Cadastre township grid. Production regions are used to organize oil and gas production volume and value statistical reports for all oil and gas activities in Saskatchewan. The dataset was created as a file geodatabase feature class and output for public distribution.
Ministry of Agriculture crown land dispositions, mapped by quarter sections and riverlots. Quarter sections and other surveyed areas that contain at least one parcel of agricultural Crown land are shown on the map, but the entire quarter may not be owned by the Crown.
Agricultural crown land is provided as a public service by the Government of Saskatchewan. The information cannot be guaranteed to be current and/or accurate. Users should verify information before acting on it. By using this resource, you understand the intent of the data and do not consider this a replacement for consultations with the Government of Saskatchewan.
Ministry of Agriculture crown land dispositions, mapped by quarter sections and riverlots. Quarter sections and other surveyed areas that contain at least one parcel of agricultural Crown land are shown on the map, but the entire quarter may not be owned by the Crown.
Agricultural crown land is provided as a public service by the Government of Saskatchewan. The information cannot be guaranteed to be current and/or accurate. Users should verify information before acting on it. By using this resource, you understand the intent of the data and do not consider this a replacement for consultations with the Government of Saskatchewan.
A Service showing boundaries for the Provincial Forest, Forest Protection Areas and the Timber Supply Areas
For more details on the Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre (SKCDC), the rare and endangered species layer, and definitions of conservation ranks, see the SKCDC Training Manual and Data Sharing Agreement: http://www.biodiversity.sk.ca/Docs/SKCDCWildlife-manual.pdf.
The Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre collects and distributes data on wild species of concern in Saskatchewan. The database contains records of mapped Element Occurrences for tracked elements in Saskatchewan. “Elements of Biodiversity” is the term coined by The Nature Conservancy used to refer to a species, subspecies, vegetative community, or a special feature.
An Element Occurrence (EO) is an area of land and/or water in which a species or natural community is, or was, present. An EO should have practical conservation value for the Element as evidenced by potential continued (or historical) presence and/or regular recurrence at a given location. An Element Occurrence record has both spatial and tabular components including a mappable feature (i.e., an Element Occurrence Representation) and its supporting database attributes.
The definition of what constitutes an EO is specific to the particular element. For species Elements, the EO often corresponds with the local population, but when appropriate may be a portion of a population (e.g., long distance dispersers) or a group of nearby populations (e.g., metapopulation). As an example, an EO of a Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus) is defined as one nesting pair, whereas an EO of most plant species is any natural population separated from other such populations by at least 1.6 kilometers. For community Elements, the EO may represent a stand or patch of a natural community, or a cluster of stands or patches of a natural community.
NatureServe(www.natureserve.org) provides the SKCDC with the EO definitions and quality ranks for each species. This information is stored electronically in the SKCDC Biotics database along with other details about the conservation ranks and ecology of the species. Examples of information stored in the EO database include: detailed location information (latitude and longitude coordinates, quarter-section, etc.), a list of all observations that make up the Element Occurrence (over time and over space), description of the habitat, population size, quality of occurrence, the name of the observer and references to available literature documenting the occurrence.
Element occurrences consist of two components. This first is the observed (source) feature. Depending on the type of occurrence, an observed feature can be a point, a line or a polygon. Examples might include a ferruginous hawk nest (point), a stream segment containing bigmouth buffalo spawning beds (line), or a lake or bay used by staging shorebirds (polygon). The location of an observed feature is determined on the basis of information that is often incomplete or imperfect. The quality of the information may vary due to a number of factors. Consequently, the recorded location may vary from the true location reflecting a measure of spatial uncertainty.
The second component is the representational polygon, the polygon you see. This polygon incorporates the spatial uncertainty and the observed feature to build a polygon representing the area within which the element occurrence is known to occur. The occurrence is somewhere within the representational polygon rather than everywhere within the polygon, and not necessarily in the centre of the polygon.
This is the general Rare and Endangered Species map layer and therefore detailed species information in the attributes is not provided.The Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre also provides access to detailed information for the Rare and Endangered Species map layer for those with a demonstrated need to know. Such needs may include project planning with respect to developments on the landscape, conservation planning, independent confirmation of presence or other uses that do not compromise the likelihood of long-term persistence at a given site. Users may request detailed access by emailing a short explanation of their needs and attaching a sign Data Sharing Agreement (http://www.biodiversity.sk.ca/Docs/SKCDCWildlife-manual.pdf). The SKCDC reserves the right to decline such requests if it believes the need does not warrant such access. The SKCDC will work with the user to provide the best information possible in a timely and suitable manner.
This dataset contains a buffered polygon area digitized from the 1:1 000 000 scale Surficial Geology Map of Saskatchewan (1997) that references glaciofluvial material known to be vulnerable to surface and ground water contaminants. The sensitive nature of the area is known by Ministry staff and Government agencies due to concerns brought forward by local residents. Currently, the polygon spans from ranges 34 West of the 1st Meridian – 20 West of the 2nd Meridian, and from the international border with the U.S.A to township 11 in southeast Saskatchewan which contains identified areas with additional obligations cited in Directive PNG005: Casing and Cementing Requirements, Appendix 1. The polygon was created to be used in preliminary screening tools when licensing new Ministry infrastructure and for land analysis purposes. End-users should review the Use Limitation outlined below and understand that the buffered polygon is an interpretive boundary and does not guarantee to fully contain or exclude any specific surface material or groundwater resources. The extent was created as a file geodatabase polygon feature class and output for public distribution.
This dataset contains the elevation data (metres above sea level), on a 1km spaced grid for southeast Saskatchewan, that delineates the structure surface separating saline groundwater from groundwater that is considered to be fresh as defined by the OGCR. Currently, the structure surface extends from the southeast corner of the province from the Manitoba border to range 15 West of the 2nd meridian, and from the international border with the U.S.A. to township 11. This surface has been mapped using stratigraphic data from existing Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA) water well datasets and PNG licensed well data that were interpolated with a Kriging algorithm. The structure surface for the Base of Groundwater Protection represents the subsurface elevation that is 15m below the top of the Pierre Shale Formation (Bearpaw equivalent). The Base of Groundwater Protection was mapped 15m below the top of the Pierre Shale Formation (Bearpaw equivalent) in order to account for any misinterpolation from the Kriging algorithm. The surface was created as a file geodatabase feature class and output for public distribution.
This dataset contains the elevation data (metres above sea level), on a 1km spaced grid for southeast Saskatchewan, that delineates the structure surface separating saline groundwater from groundwater that is considered to be fresh as defined by the OGCR. Currently, the structure surface extends from the southeast corner of the province from the Manitoba border to range 15 West of the 2nd meridian, and from the international border with the U.S.A. to township 11. This surface has been mapped using stratigraphic data from existing Saskatchewan Water Security Agency (WSA) water well datasets and PNG licensed well data that were interpolated with a Kriging algorithm. The structure surface for the Base of Groundwater Protection represents the subsurface elevation that is 15m below the top of the Pierre Shale Formation (Bearpaw equivalent). The Base of Groundwater Protection was mapped 15m below the top of the Pierre Shale Formation (Bearpaw equivalent) in order to account for any misinterpolation from the Kriging algorithm. The surface was created as a file geodatabase raster image and output for public distribution.
Ministry of Agriculture Pasture Boundaries, includes former PFRA and SPP pastures.