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Map Service: CrownLand_AG (ID: 35)

Service Loaded:  Dec, 2 2023 08:39:49 AM CCST (UTC--06:00)

Connection String:  url=

Short Display Name:  N/A


Ministry of Agriculture crown land dispositions, mapped by quarter sections and riverlots. Quarter sections and other surveyed areas that contain at least one parcel of agricultural Crown land are shown on the map, but the entire quarter may not be owned by the Crown.

Agricultural crown land is provided as a public service by the Government of Saskatchewan. The information cannot be guaranteed to be current and/or accurate. Users should verify information before acting on it. By using this resource, you understand the intent of the data and do not consider this a replacement for consultations with the Government of Saskatchewan.

Copyright:  Lands Branch, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of Saskatchewan

Visible:  True

Opacity:  1

Minimum Scale:  N/A

Maximum Scale:  N/A

Image Format:  N/A

Service Type:  Dynamic

Service Function:  Operational

Server Version:  10.91

Failure Action:  Warn

Failure Timeout (seconds):  N/A

Drawing Behavior:  MapService

Request Encoding:  N/A

Icon:   N/A

Include in Layer List:  True

Is Expanded:  True

Supports Dynamic Layers:  True

Default Allow Symbolization:  True

Supports Layer Catalog:  False

Update Interval (seconds):  N/A

Disable Client Caching:  N/A

Identifiable:   N/A

Time Zone ID:   N/A

Data Provider:   Default



Coordinate System:  NAD_1983_CSRS_UTM_Zone_13N (WKID: 2151)

Operational Coordinate System:  N/A

Layer Hyperlinks:

Instant Search: False

Supported Interfaces:  REST